Browse Our Library

who we are

how it all began

in 2024, one of us needed to take all four of our cats (!) to the vet, but we only had one cat box—one that had been lent out to a friend. we thought, “wouldn’t it be great if we could just borrow one, like a library?” and that’s how the idea was born! after a little research, we discovered there are nearly 100 library of things across the UK, but the closest one was in Flitwick. so, we decided to set one up right here in Bedford!

we are a small group of local people who care deeply about Bedford and its communities, particularly during challenging times like the climate and cost of living crises. as a registered charity, we established share Bedford to bring people together and support the community. we collaborate with local groups, charities, and individuals who share our vision for strengthening community ties. we are already in conversation with Bedford Repair Café and Bedford Credit Union and are open to working with anyone locally who shares our commitment to making a positive impact. we also connect with other libraries of things across the country to share ideas and best practices.

susan (trustee) I am the one with 4 cats and the reason behind all the pink on the website. bedford born and bred i’ve mostly worked in admin roles whilst home educating my children. having been a climate activist for many years i have done a lot of road blocking, recently though I decided to put that energy into more community based projects as i believe we will need each other more and more as things get more challenging

Julia (trustee) i live in Ampthill and enjoy being involved in the community.  My love is to be outdoors in nature and I hate the destruction of the planet and its wildlife, and the drive for economic growth at all costs.  I’ve witnessed so many changes in my life and mourn the loss of wild flowers and birds from my childhood.  I want to be involved in practical projects like this to do what we can, even in a small way, to reduce consumption.  I believe this is the start of a growing trend and that as we provide ways to share, more people will get involved and the concept will become more mainstream.  

adrian (trustee) I’m another climate activist and over the years have downsized several times – donating belongings to charities and now I can donate them to share bedford! It’s so therapeutic – give it a try. I had a fishing rod I hadn’t used for 20 years – made someone very happy. As did a collection of tools I didn’t use. And a lawn mower that was no longer needed. So donate, volunteer or join and help build a great sharing community in Bedford. Oh and I’m setting up a community garden too!

Keir (trustee) bio coming soon

richard (trustee) I’ve lived in Bedford for over 30 years.  I have been a school governor at Castle Lower School and Newnham Middle School (before they merged).  I’m now retired from a career in Human Resources.  I believe a sharing economy can help people in Bedford by saving money, reducing waste and consumption, reducing clutter at home, and supporting a more sustainable lifestyle.

gabby (trustee) bio coming soon