do you have things in your loft, shed, or under the stairs that you don’t use very often (like we all do)? Would you like to donate them to your local library of things so that they get used and free up the space? if so, get in touch with us below. we are currently taking just about anything (but no chainsaws – sorry, our insurance wont let us!). items need to be clean, and in good working order, but they don’t need to be new!
do you have any spare money under your mattress that you don’t use very often (!). Would you like to donate some of it to your local library of things to help meet our running costs. we also offer free membership for those on a low income, so please do donate below to help us. even better – so we don’t have to pay fees you could pay direct into our bank account Account number: 67379554 sort code: 08-92-99
do you have any spare time (wherever that’s kept) that you’d like to fill helping us? we need volunteers to; help run the library, check donations are in good working order, keep our online catalogue up to date, and help with social media. If you are interested complete the form below or pop in and see us at the libary sometime, we are a friendly bunch and would love you to join us – particularly if you like fixing things!